Coronavirus Lesson Plans:
Lesson 5: From Stuck to Safe, Practicing Gratitude
Lesson 5A: Letter from Cody
Hi friends! It’s Cody here.
Today I learned that doctors, nurses, and all of the hospital staff still have to go to work! I told my dad that I think medical people should stay home, like us. But he said they are saving people who have the Peekaflu and keeping us safe! That is super brave. They are like real life superheroes! I think I’m going to make a comic about them called “Dr. Nurse Fights the Evil Peekaflu!”
At first, I was angry for being stuck at home. But I’m actually lucky to be safe at home. How can I thank the Doctors and Nurses for being brave? I’m really grateful that they are working to keep Peekaville safe. Maybe I should write a letter of gratitude! Will you help?
Your friend (from a safe distance),
Lesson 5B: Questions + Letter of Gratitude
- Parents/guardians, read the letter from Cody with your child.
- Ask the following questions after reading:
- Why do some people have to go into work?
- Why does Cody call these workers ‘superheroes’?
- Cody was feeling stuck at home, but now he feels safe at home. What does that mean? What do you think caused his change of mind?
- Help your child write a letter (or drawing/video) of gratitude for our hospital workers.
- Have your child send a photo of their letter back to their teacher and/or take a photo/video and post it on Twitter (tag @Peekapak). Cody may see it and respond!
Lesson 5C: Dr. Nurse Fights the Evil Peekfalu Comic Activity
- Cody is very grateful that doctors and nurses are going to work every day to help fight Peekaflu. It feels like the hospital workers are real-life superheroes battling the evil Peekaflu. Cody decides to write a comic. He needs help brainstorming ways to fight Peekaflu. He thinks about hand washing, mask-wearing, and social distancing.
- Can you make a comic about Dr. Nurse fighting the evil Peekaflu?
- Make sure to include ways that the Peekaflu can be defeated!
- Have your child send a photo of their comic back to their teacher and/or take a photo/video and post it on Twitter (tag @Peekapak). Cody may see it and respond!
Download and review lesson materials
- To access the Coronavirus Lesson 5 Letter from Cody please download from this folder:
Continue with the Peekaflu Unit:
- Lesson 1: The Peekaflu (above)
- 1A Letter from Cody
- 1B: Questions + Response
- Lesson 2: Berryball Blues
- 2A: Letter from Cody
- 2B: Questions + Response
- Lesson 3: We over Me
- 3A: We Over Me Dialogue
- 3B: Questions3C: Scenario Cards Activity
- Lesson 4: A Special Space
- 4A: Letter from Cody
- 4B: Questions
- 4C: My Special Space Activity
- Lesson 5: From Stuck to Safe (Gratitude)
- 5A: Letter from Cody
- 5B: Questions + Letter of Gratitude
- 5C: Dr. Nurse Fights the Evil Peekaflu Comic Activity
- Lesson 6: Hibernation Station
- 6A: Letter from Cody
- 6B: My Secret Talent
- Lesson 6: Hibernation Station
- 6A: Letter from Cody
- 6B: My Secret Talent
- Lesson 7: Our Elders
- 7A: Letter from Cody
- 7B: Questions + Letter to Elder
- 7C: What is Wise Dialogue
- 7D: Elder School Activity
- Lesson 8: What Do We Need
- 8A Letter from Inés
- 8B What Do You Need Match-Up
- 8C What Do I Need: Self-care Activity
More Peekapak lessons to support remote student learning:
Districts, schools, educators and families impacted by health-related closures can access Peekapak’s entire platform for free. To sign up, visit this link: https://www.peekapak.com/schoolclosures
This will allow schools to provide lessons, at-home activities and interactive learning games for all affected families with children between Pre-K to 5th grade. Our resources promote literacy skills while helping families remain calm and practice social-emotional learning skills like self-regulation, empathy, and perseverance.
If you represent a school or district faced with school closures, please complete the below form. You will hear back shortly from our team with the next steps. Please note, if you are a parent, you can still sign up as well.
More Remote Learning Resources:
With the recent turn of events and the resulting school closures, we’ve been so impressed with the number of education technology organizations offering their resources. To help districts, schools, educators, and families, we’ve put together a list of recommended free at-home learning. See our list of recommendations here.