What is SEL Spotlight?

As this latest school year comes to an end, we want to shed some light on the amazing work of our front line educators by providing them the opportunity to be rewarded in a challenge running from May 31st to June 4th, 2021! In a time when remote learning has taken precedence over in-person classes, social-emotional learning has become more necessary than ever, which is why it is so important to highlight SEL implementation. For this challenge, colleagues can nominate educators that have reinforced SEL activities within their classroom, whether it be online or in-person. In our efforts to showcase such dedicated work, let’s see how you can enter…

SEL Spotlight Challenge Instructions:

  1. Must be following @Peekapak on Instagram

2. Like and save the post dedicated to the challenge on our page

3. Tag an educator that has showcased SEL activities with their students and explain how in the comments of the post

SEL Spotlight Challenge Instagram Post

Bonus Entries

For additional chances to win:

  • DM us a photo of the SEL activity in action with your students or tag us in a post
  • Follow Peekapak on Twitter and Facebook


Now, onto arguably the most exciting part of this challenge! In addition to highlighting the amazing educators in our post, Peekapak will randomly select one comment, and prizes will be awarded to the winner. This lucky and deserving individual will receive a FREE Peekapak Classroom Pro Subscription and a $50 Amazon Gift Card. 

The winners will be announced on our Instagram on Monday June 7th and our team will be in contact to organize prize delivery shortly after.

We are so excited to learn how each individual has successfully utilized SEL among their students and cannot wait to see the various activities that have been used in your virtual or live classrooms. 

Let’s celebrate SEL success together!

Ami & The Peekapak Team

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